Press Releases

Sacramento, CA – Millions of dollars in critical mental health funding will flow into both Humboldt and Mendocino counties from a state Mental Health Services Act grant fund established last year by the legislature. 

Sacramento, CA – Senator Mike McGuire is a lead author of AB 323, a bill that would help save newspapers across the Golden State and allow print media outlets to continue using independent contractors as carriers for another two years, until Jan. 1, 2023 (the current provision sunsets Jan. 1, 2021). This week, the bill passed 5-0 out of the Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee. Senator McGuire released the following statement about the bill:

Sacramento, CA – Freedom of the press is one of the foundations upon which America was born. In 2020, that freedom has been under attack more than ever before. 

According to the Freedom of the Press Foundation and the Committee to Protect Journalists, there have been approximately 600 incidents in the United States of reported aggressions against the press in the last several months. These aggressions include detainments, arrests and attacks against members of the press attempting to do their jobs at First Amendment protests, marches and events.

Sacramento, CA – Freedom of the press is one of the foundations upon which America was born. That said, those freedoms are under attack here in 2020.

Sacramento, CA – After thousands of Californians lost their homes in the devastating wildfires of 2017 and 2018, many began the challenging task of rebuilding their lives and homes. With so much loss, some homeowners turned to contractors offering great deals, but they had no experience building homes. 

Sacramento, CA – As summer heats up and July 4th weekend is here, our communities are reminded that wildfire season is upon us. Next week, Senator Mike McGuire will hold a Telephone Town Hall on Wildfire Preparedness for Mendocino and Lake counties.

Sacramento, CA – Last year, residents across Northern California endured multiple, sustained power shutoffs that put residents health and safety at risk, disrupted local economies and lacked oversight and planning. At one point, some Californians lost power for a total of 14 days in a one-month period.

Sacramento, CA – Over $25 million was approved today by the State of California that will provide a huge boost in the development of the transformational Roseland Village project.