Press Release

Senate Leader McGuire Appoints Karyn Gear to Wildlife Conservation Board

SACRAMENTO – The Senate Rules Committee, chaired by Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast), announced Karyn Gear has been appointed to the California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB).


Gear spent nearly four decades with the California State Coastal Conservancy. There, she worked with local, state and federal agencies, tribes, and nongovernmental organizations to manage resource enhancement, public access, agricultural preservation projects, and conservation land acquisitions. In addition, Gear served as an international board member of the Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture for nearly two decades. She also managed the formation and growth of the Great Redwood Trail Agency as its Interim Executive Director. Gear retired in July 2024.


“Living in a place as beautiful as California is a privilege, and I’m honored to play a part in keeping it beautiful,” Gear said. “I’m thankful to Pro Tem McGuire for this appointment and for his constant partnership in protecting the North Coast’s natural resources over the years.”


The Wildlife Conservation Board was created by legislation in 1947 to administer a capital outlay program for wildlife conservation and related public recreation. The WCB’s main responsibilities are land acquisition, habitat restoration, and development of wildlife-oriented public access facilities. 


Gear lives in Mill Valley. Her term on the California Wildlife Conservation Board runs through January 1, 2029.



Mike McGuire is President pro Tempore of the California Senate. He represents the North Coast of California, which stretches from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Oregon border, including Del Norte, Trinity, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Sonoma, and Marin Counties. Website of Senate Leader McGuire: