Senate Leader McGuire’s Remarks on Retail Theft Bills Being Signed into Law
SAN JOSE — Today, Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast) joined Governor Gavin Newsom, Speaker Robert Rivas (D-Salinas), legislative colleagues, and state and local leaders as groundbreaking legislation to combat retail theft and local crime was signed into law.
Below are remarks given by Pro Tem McGuire at today’s press conference:
“Californians have been calling on state leaders to take action on retail crime. And today, we’re doing just that. A promise was made by the Legislature and the Governor earlier this year to pass sweeping legislation to crack down on retail theft, blunt local crime, and stop professional criminals in their tracks. And this morning, we’re going to give local law enforcement the tools they need to do their jobs in keeping retail establishments safe. We’re giving Californians the laws they rightfully deserve—and let’s be candid—have been asking for. The new laws that the Governor will be signing today will increase penalties, increase penalties on organized retail theft, advanced strategic enhancements on stolen goods, both online and in mom-and-pop shops in every corner of this state. And we’re closing gaps on loopholes for automobile theft.
Here’s the bottom line about today: Californians can breathe a sigh of relief now that these laws are in place. But we also know that we have to remain vigilant—there’s much more work to do. We have to continue to invest in the public’s safety. That’s why—working with the Governor—the Senate and the Assembly invested $1.1 billion dollars since 2019 to tackle crime, higher more law enforcement, and to dispatch CHP to target local crime hot spots in each and every community. So mark my word, there’s much more to come.
I want to say thank you to the Senators who were instrumental in bringing this effort forward.
First and foremost, I owe a special thank you to Senator Aisha Wahab, she is our Public Safety (Committtee) chair. She has done a phenomenal job in a difficult position, thank you Madam Chair.
To Senator Skinner, who is truly the dean of the Senate and does such phenomenal work, and has dedicated her career to public service—thank you.
Senator Wiener, who always out front and ready to tackle the tough issues, as many of you know, I want to say thank you so much.
To the home district senator, Senator Cortese, who has been a stalwart on issues of public safety since his time on the council and Board of Supervisors. Thank you.
To Senator Min and Senator Newman, who cannot be here today, thank you for their incredible work over the past year.
I want to say how grateful am I to work with Speaker Rivas each and every day. For his partnership, I’m grateful to call him a friend and an ally, and it would not have been without his leadership that we would end up here at this Home Depot, about to sign these bills, today.
To Attorney General Bonta for his laser-focus as the State’s top prosecutor, we are grateful to have him where he’s at.
Thank you to women and men in law enforcement in this state, for committing to keep our communities safe.
We owe special thanks and gratitude to the California Retailers Association and the Grocers Association for seeing the passage of these bills through, no matter thick and thin, we are grateful for their partnership.
And finally to Governor Newsom: If you were to talk to Governor Newsom, he will tell you time and time again how personal this issue is for him. He wants to get this damn deal done, and this day couldn’t come soon enough. He has been asking the Speaker and myself, when are we going to get these bills across the finish line. Mr. Governor, right off of Aisle 9 (at Home Depot), we’re about to do it right now.
With Governor Newsom’s action, along with the Legislature, we’re sending a loud and clear message to criminals—you’re not welcome here in the Golden State.”
A recording of the press conference and bill signing also is available here.
More information is also available in the Governor’s release, available here.
Mike McGuire is President pro Tempore of the California Senate. He represents the North Coast of California, which stretches from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Oregon border, including Del Norte, Trinity, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Sonoma, and Marin counties. Website of Senate Leader McGuire: https://sd02.senate.ca.gov/