Press Release

Senator McGuire issues statement on legislation that will help save CA’s newspapers

Sacramento, CA – Senator Mike McGuire is a lead author of AB 323, a bill that would help save newspapers across the Golden State and allow print media outlets to continue using independent contractors as carriers for another two years, until Jan. 1, 2023 (the current provision sunsets Jan. 1, 2021). This week, the bill passed 5-0 out of the Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee. Senator McGuire released the following statement about the bill:

 “Newspapers are one of the cornerstones of our democracy and the economic fallout from the pandemic has been devastating to the industry. In just this year alone, 17 news publications have ceased print operations here in the Golden State and many more are on the brink. California’s newspapers help hold our government accountable, tell the unique stories of our communities and inform the people of important events that shape our state and nation. AB 323 is critical to the future of this industry, its proud employees and the communities we all love to call home.”
