Press Release

Senate Leader Mike McGuire, Budget Chair Wiener Issue Statements on Legislature Passing 2024-25 Budget Plan

SACRAMENTO – Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast) and Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Committee Chair Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) released the following statements regarding today’s vote on the state budget:


Pro Tem McGuire:

“It’s no secret that this is a tough budget that takes tough decisions to get across the finish line. That’s why so many have been working long and hard on solutions to pass a responsible, balanced budget that reflects California values. Our budget invests in public schools, protects services and programs for the most vulnerable Californians and families, and upholds our commitment to ensuring that we’re meeting the challenges of homelessness, climate change, affordable housing, combatting crime, and making our communities more wildfire safe. Senator Wiener took on the role of Senate Budget Chair during one of the most intense economic times the Golden State has experienced in recent years, and we are deeply appreciative of his steady determination as we worked toward the goal of delivering an on-time, balanced budget. We also are grateful to our Budget Subcommittee chairs, who took the deep dives needed to make informed, strategic decisions. Productive discussions are ongoing with Governor Newsom, and we look forward to arriving at a final agreement in the coming days.”


Senator Wiener:

“California was dealt a difficult hand financially this year, but after months of hard work among legislators, staff, and community groups, the Legislature has arrived at a strong budget that upholds our most cherished values. This budget advances critical solutions to homelessness and climate change, expands critical investments in our public schools, and delivers on our commitment to protect the most vulnerable Californians. Pro Tem McGuire never lost sight of delivering for working people through months of negotiations – there is no partner I would rather have by my side in leading these negotiations. I’d also like to extend my profound thanks to the Chairs of our Budget Subcommittees, whose significant subject matter expertise and months of diligent work produced innovative solutions to the pressing problems facing our state. Negotiations with Governor Newsom are ongoing, and we are looking forward to arriving at a final budget in the coming days.”


En Español




Mike McGuire is President pro Tempore of the California Senate. He represents the North Coast of California, which stretches from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Oregon border, including Del Norte, Trinity, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Sonoma, and Marin counties. Website of Senate Leader McGuire: