Press Release

Senator McGuire hosts Town Hall with resident and neighborhood associations from throughout West Marin

Sacramento, CA – State Senator Mike McGuire is excited to announce that he will host a Town Hall - the first state sponsored West Marin meeting in years - on Thursday, Feb. 23 with multiple community associations and special districts. Residents are invited to come together to discuss important community issues including traffic, parking, signage and waste management concerns. 

“Neighbors have made it loud and clear they would like the State to be more involved in West Marin,” said Senator Mike McGuire. “We’re thrilled to host the Town Hall and help convene a working group to address long standing issues such as increased traffic in peak seasons, parking and the need for coordinated waste management services in West Marin’s unique coastal communities.”

Working with multiple community associations including the Point Reyes Village Association, The East Shore Planning Group (Marshall); Bolinas Public Utilities District; Inverness Village Association; Inverness Park Village Association; Olema Village Association; Stinson Beach Village Association, the Town Hall will be hosted in the evening of February 23. Several local officials and state agencies will be on hand to discuss topics important to West Marin communities, including Marin County Supervisor Dennis Rodoni, Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, the State Coastal Commission, and Point Reyes National Seashore.

“Our village associations are the closest thing we have to local governance, working in collaboration with county government over decades to develop our community plans – the most vital tool we have for guiding the protection of our community life,” said Karen Gray, President of the Point Reyes Village Association. “We are excited to now partner with Senator McGuire to meet the most serious challenges facing our coastal villages.”

Here are the Town Hall Details:

WHAT:  Senator Mike McGuire’s West Marin Town Hall

WHEN:  ThursdayFeb. 23 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

WHERE: The Dance Palace, 503 B St, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

SAVE ROOM: Delectable treats and refreshments will be available for all attendees.

More information, including the agenda and list of speakers will be released in the next week.

