Press Release

Senator McGuire issues statement in response to today’s Congressional Healthcare Vote

Sacramento, CA – Senator Mike McGuire issued the following statement in response to today’s Congressional healthcare vote.

“Today’s vote by Congress which passed Trumpcare was downright dangerous and it will jeopardize the health of millions of Americans and represents a massive tax break for the rich,” Senator McGuire said. “3.2 million Californians are dependent on the Affordable Care Act for their healthcare coverage and today’s vote will drop millions from their healthcare, increase costs for millions more and cost the State of California billions.”

California has one of the most successful statewide Affordable Care Act (ACA) programs in the nation. The ACA has dropped California’s uninsured rate from approximately 17% to 7.2%. This is an all-time low in the Golden State’s uninsured rate.

In addition, according to Consumer Reports, personal bankruptcy filings due to unpaid medical bills have been slashed in half since the ACA’s passage.

“Our national healthcare system is under attack, and the time has come for California to advance the critical conversation about  implementation of Single Payer Healthcare,” Senator McGuire said.

Senator McGuire is a co-author of SB 562 – The Healthy California Act – which would create a Single Payer Healthcare system in California.
