Press Release

CA Senate calls on Congress to reject ACA repeal

Sacramento, CA – In response to the dangerous effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, jeopardizing the health of millions of Americans, the California State Senate today passed Senate Resolution 26, calling on Congress to reject the ACA repeal unless it’s replaced with a plan that ensures that not one American will lose coverage and that coverage will be more affordable and of higher quality for all Americans.

“I believe that our President is wrong – the Affordable Care Act is not failing, in fact it is succeeding wildly in California,” Senator Mike McGuire said. “I proudly represent a rural part of California, and repealing the ACA will put the lives of rural California residents at risk. For example, a senior resident in a small, rural California county will have to pay several thousand dollars more per year out of her own pocket under ‘President Trump Care.’ This is unacceptable.”

California has experienced the largest percentage point decline in the uninsured rate of any state – a significant drop from 17.2 percent in 2013 to 7.1 percent in 2016.

Senate Resolution 26 was approved by the Senate Monday afternoon.
